Wikipedia in trouble with the FBI?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What is behind the FBI's attempt to shake down Wikipedia? The FBI says that Wikipedia should not be using their seal. Is it to keep others from getting a copy? If so, why is Wikipedia the only organization taking heat?

Fast Company is telling us, If you were tasked with finding an image of the FBI's seal, where would you look? Likely, you'd head to Google or Bing, where a quick image search would return tens of thousands of results.

IT Business Edge reports, CNET News reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigations is demanding that Wikipedia take down the FBI's official seal in an article about the agency because it had not approved use of the image.

TG Daily says, The Federal Bureau of Investigations does not like the fact that its Wikipedia entry has a high-resolution image of its seal, but Wikipedia says there's nothing illegal about posting it online.


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