The average score for those selected was 282.88, and an average time in grade of 1.97 years, the average time in service is 4.55 years. The average score is based on this point averages: 131.31 invoked for performance reports, decorations for 0.94, 71.18 for promotion fitness examination and 59.08 for the specialty knowledge test.
The staff sergeant promotion list will be announced publicly today, August 19 at 8 pm The results can also be seen on the public website of the Center on Air Force personnel http://www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/ . Also, Airmen Airman obtaining the rank of sergeant will be promoted with regard to their promotion sequence number from next month.
But all the selections are not official until the data verification process is complete and this can lead to 10 days after the promotion release date to take. AFPC officials will contact Airmen through their military personnel
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