Approximately 35,000 households in Haiti have received 'clean water' buckets - comprises a chlorine solution and an RFID tag of five liters bucket for handling and storage of water - the charity Deep Springs International (DSI).
On each bucket has an RFID tag is read during the regular visits of community-based health workers NFC-equipped Nokia 6212 phones. Just the phone reads the tag of the bucket and the administration of the visits, they are measuring the amount of chlorine in the water and key it into the handset.
The health of employees then answered a questionnaire on-device and sends the information back to the DSI headquarters via SMS. Previously this task was done using paper forms which was time consuming and error prone.
Given the limited financial and staff resources DSI, more accurate tracking of these families need careful monitoring (as opposed to those who are more diligent in cleaning their water) is expected to help the organization better allocate its resources.
Haiti has long struggled to provide clean drinking water to over 9.7 million inhabitants, a situation exacerbated by the devastating earthquake last January and more recently by a cholera outbreak that the United Nations says has claimed over 2,500 lives since October.
Whereas the most promising short-term solution to this problem is the treatment of household water with chlorine, getting these life-saving chemical families in a country held back by poor transport and communication very difficult.
Aid agencies like Oxfam have concentrated their efforts in make-shift camps set up for the tens of thousands who lost their homes set. But for those who stay in the more inaccessible rural areas, if only to them is a challenge in itself.
Aid workers have said that without regular visits - every month or so - rural Haitians to return to drinking impure water, which promotes spread of cholera and diarrhea.
Scientific American reported that Nokia has contributed to the project by providing the 6212-model specifically for this project because it is equipped with NFC, and because it is not desirable high-end features, such as a touch-screen interface, making it less likely to be stolen from DSI employees.
More recently Nokia has an additional U.S. $ 24,500 for the project to expand beyond the initial pilot phase. The mobile phone giant hopes to soon decide whether to stick with the now discontinued 6212 phone as the project grows or DSI to provide the newer C7 NFC-equipped device that has a touch screen.
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